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Our meetings

The Forum holds many meetings with opinion leaders, influential individuals and groundbreaking entrepreneurs. In these meetings the participants are exposed to the fields of leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as to inspirational stories, in order to experience an in-depth examination of the challenges and opportunities for the advancement of Israeli society

Making a difference

Forum meetings in the social sphere aimed at conducting leadership projects in Israeli society. We are partners in leadership programs that provide accompaniment, tools, knowledge, guidance and inspiration, sharing the managerial experience of leading entrepreneurs and managers for the training of Israel’s future leaders.

Our initiatives

The Ramon Foundation – science and robotics

Mentoring for the 15 most outstanding Israeli students who were chosen for the Ramon Signal program, the most prestigious Israeli leadership program for twelfth graders. The Israeli Leadership Forum connects these students to CEOs and executives from the business and public sectors, who mentor the students for a year, forming a connection between Israel’s current leaders, and Israel’s leaders of tomorrow, in every sector. This activity exposes the students to the worlds of business management and leadership and prepares them for their future as leaders.

The Havatzalot (Lilies) Program – IDF Military Intelligence

The Forum serves as an accompanying body for the Intelligence flagship program that combines professional military service and academic studies for a Bachelor’s degree. The program trains dozens of participants every year to hold positions as leading intelligence officers. CEOs, Forum members, mentor the Havatzalot students to help the future Intelligence commanders contend with managerial and command challenges in the IDF’s interface with Israeli society.

The Civil Service Cadet program

The flagship program of the Prime Minister’s Office and the Civil Service Commission to train the next generation of managers in the civil service. For every cohort of the program, the Forum recruits senior CEOs to serve as mentors and lecturers to the next leaders of the public sector, guiding them for the improvement of public service and for their response to the future challenges they will face.

Mentoring program in collaboration with the Jewish agency

A group of leading managers from the Forum adopt new immigrant entrepreneurs, who recently made Aliya, and accompany them in strategic thinking and planning, networking, and promoting new businesses that they are opening in Israel.